The book series “The Future of Europe: views from the Capitals” is one of TEPSA’s flagship activities. These collections of short chapters, published every year, analyse topical European issues from the perspective of each EU Member State and neighbouring countries, and help understand the future of the European project. The series is edited by Michael Kaeding, Johannes Pollak and Paul Schmidt, and showcases chapters written by researchers from the TEPSA network and beyond.
The second volume, “Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: views from the Capitals” sheds light on how the increasing prominence of Eurosceptic and nationalist parties is having an impact on the thinking of mainstream parties, their representatives in the European Parliament, and the future of Europe. It is timed to coincide with the strategic vision of Council, Commission, and Parliament, as well as the next phase of the Brexit negotiations. The book provides perspectives on the future of the European project from authors in all the EU Member States, as well as neighbouring European countries and potential candidates. It includes a Foreword by the Vice-president of the European Parliament.
With many Eurosceptic parties now in national government, or winning European elections and thus exerting influence over the national debate, this book maps and analyses the nature and impact of Euroscepticism — and new nationalist tendencies — in the different party systems of Europe. As national political parties are the gatekeepers of the process of political representation, they play a pivotal role in mobilising civil society and in setting the political agenda. They shape politics at national level, but also determine the way in which Europe plays out — or does not play out — as a political issue. Thus, it is from the national capitals that the very future of Europe emerges.
Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe Views from the Capitals
Editors: Kaeding, Michael, Pollak, Johannes, Schmidt, Paul (Eds.)
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan