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WB2EU Public Debate & Europaclub Spezial: Is EU enlargement back on track? Moving towards a democratic and united Europe, 9 October 2023
At the conclusion of our three-year Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network project on Europeanisation, democratisation and strengthening of civil society in the Western Balkans (WB2EU), coordinated with the oiip and in cooperation with 15 partners from all over Europe, we want to discuss current developments, obstacles, and perspectives of the EU enlargement and reform process.


Stellungnahmen und Analysen zu aktuellen EU-Themen

Ögfe Policy Briefs

Wissenschaftliche Publikationsreihe


Einstellung der ÖsterreicherInnen zu EU-Themen

Veranstaltung TU


Veranstaltungsreihen “Europa Club Wien”/”Europa Club Live” und weitere


LehrerInnen-Seminare, Wanderausstellung, Berufsschultour


Abstimmungsverhalten der österreichischen EU-Abgeordneten

A Call to Counter the Anti-Democratic Surge Following the 2024 European Parliament Elections
By: Tobias Spöri, Neele Eilers
The 2024 European Parliament elections reflect the ongoing trend of far-right parties gaining ground across Europe. While the anticipated rightward shift did take place, it was less pronounced than feared. The frequently used phrase “the centre holds” proved accurate. Nevertheless, the election results should not distract from the urgent need to address the widespread societal pessimism and dissatisfaction with both national and EU governance – issues that continue to fuel the support of radical or extreme parties throughout Europe. Against this background, the authors of this Policy Brief examine public opinion data collected in eight EU member states. They provide a nuanced perspective on the prevailing political attitudes and concerns of European citizens and offer policy recommendations.