After the British decision to leave the European Union and the election of Donald Trump Austrians’ support for EU membership has grown steadily, a current ÖGfE-survey says.
77 percent of Austrians think that Austria should stay a member of the European Union, while 15 percent would prefer Austria leaving the EU. 8 percent take no position.
Since April 2016 the number of those favouring EU membership has increased by 17 percentage points, at the same time the number of those who want to leave the Union has decreased by half (April 2016: 60 percent “Austria should stay a member” | 31 percent “Austria should leave the EU”)
A total number of 55 Austrian-wide ÖGfE-surveys since 1995 indicate that – despite fluctuations – Austrians in favor of EU-membership have continuously formed a clear majority. On average the number of membership supporters has been at around 70 percent versus 23 percent of leavers. The highest support for EU-membership was recorded in June/July 2002 (80 percent), the strongest wish to leave the EU in June/July 2008 (33 percent).
The current survey was conducted from 16 November to 5 December 2017 by the Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (SWS) on behalf of ÖGfE. 512 persons were questioned via telephone (Austrian population from the age of 18 / weighted according to gender, age and education). Maximum margin of fluctuation approx. +/- 4,3 percent. Difference to 100 percent due to rounded values respectively (*) „don’t know / no answer.)
The survey is part of the Europe for Citizens project „Anti EU-rhetoric versus own national interests? National populism and its reception in Central Europe”.