A majority of Austrians are in favor of extending the Brexit negotiations in order to avoid a Hard Brexit. However, respondents would most like to see the UK remain a member of the EU. These are the findings of a recent survey by the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE), which was conducted from 18 – 20 March online among 512 Austrians aged 16 to 69 years.
Nearly six out of ten respondents (58 percent) say that they would generally prefer Britain to remain a member of the European Union. About a year ago, in February 2018, 51 percent expressed this view. 24 percent currently want the United Kingdom to leave the Union, which is five percentage points more than a year ago. The proportion of those who answer “don’t know” has dropped by 12 percentage points.
57 percent of respondents plead for an extension of time to prevent an unregulated exit. 32 percent believe that Britain should leave the Union by the end of March – even without a deal. One in ten respondents (11 percent) cannot comment on this question.
Half of the respondents rat the way the EU is negotiating Brexit as “rather badly” (32 percent) or “very badly” (18 percent). Slightly more than a third are more satisfied and say that the Union’s performance is “very good” (8 percent) or “rather good” (27 percent). 15 percent cannot assess the EU’s performance.
Six out of ten Austrians surveyed consider it “not very likely” (47 percent) or “very unlikely” (13 percent) that further member states will leave the EU in the near future. 33 percent though think that this is For “very likely”, for 27 percent “rather likely”.
The current survey was conducted from 18 to 20 March 2019 by marketagent.com on behalf of ÖGfE. 512 persons were questioned online (representative for the Austrian population between 16 and 69 years). Maximum margin of fluctuation approx. +/- 4,3 percent. Difference to 100 percent due to rounded values.