ÖGfE Survey: Despite widespread criticism – Austrians think that advantages of EU membership prevail

A total of 77 percent of respondents say in an Austrian wide ÖGfE survey that EU membership currently brings more advantages for Austria as a business location – 22 percent „definitely“ resp. 55 percent „rather“ share this view. Less than one fifth of respondents (17 percent) think that the downsizes of membership prevail (13 percent „rather“ | 4 percent „definitely“).

Quite similar is Austrians‘ stance on the question if EU membership has been advantageous for the economic welfare of their country. Three in four respondents see „definitely more“ (17 percent) more or „rather more“ (58 percent) advantages while one in five does not share this view („rather more disadvantages“: 16 percent | „definitely more disadvantages“: 5 percent).

A majority of respondents also is convinced that EU membership has had positive consequences on Austria’s security. 57 percent think this way („definitely“: 12 percent | „rather“: 45 percent). About one third of respondents though disagrees („rather more disadvantages“: 29 percent | „definitely more disadvantages“: 6 percent).

49 percent of Austrians say that EU membership brings more advantages for the political weight of our country („definitely“: 11 percent | „rather“: 38 percent). 32 percent see „definitely more“ (28 percent) or „rather more“ disadvantages (17 percent „don’t know / no answer“).

The current survey was conducted from 16 November to 5 December 2017 by the Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (SWS) on behalf of ÖGfE. 512 persons were questioned via telephone (Austrian population from the age of 18 / weighted according to gender, age and education). Maximum margin of fluctuation approx. +/- 4,3 percent. Difference to 100 percent due to rounded values respectively (*) „don’t know / no answer.)


The survey is part of the Europe for Citizens project Anti EU-rhetoric versus own national interests? National populism and its reception in  Central Europe”.