Austrians want a stronger global economic and humanitarian commitment of the European Union and support its pioneering role in climate protection. A majority could also envisage a reformulation of the EU treaties, finds the Austrian Society for European Politics in a recent poll.
Almost nine out of then respondents (87 percent) want the EU to show more global engagement in the economic field. Nine percent do not think that this is necessary, 4 percent do not take a position.
More than two thirds of respondents (69 percent) support a stronger humanitarian commitment of the Union while 14 percent disagree and 17 percent give no answer.
58 percent would like see a stronger political engagement of the EU in the world. For 28 percent this is a not a priority. 16 percent do not comment.
Austrians on the other hand are sceptical when asked about a stronger military role of the EU. 66 percent do not want the Union to increase its engagement in this area, while 21 percent would support it (13 percent „don’t no / no answer“).
Two out of three respondents (67 percent) see the EU as a global pioneer in climate protection. 16 percent do not take this position while another 17 percent do not answer.
61 percent would support more effective sanctions against member countries that violate the rule of law. 21 percent do not agree (18 percent „don’t know / no answer“).
58 percent would be in favour of a new EU treaty to redefine the tasks and responsibilities of the Union while 20 percent say that this would not make sense and 21 percent do not comment this proposal.
Finally, six out oft en respondents (62 percent) say it would be a good idea to provide all young people in Austria with the opportunity to get to know the EU institutions on site. 24 percent do not support such an effort, 14 percent do not take a position.
The current survey was conducted from 30 March to 14 April 2020 by the Sozialwissenschaftliche Studiengesellschaft (SWS) on behalf of ÖGfE (Tel SWS 290). 512 persons were questioned via telephone (Austrian population from the age of 16 / weighted according to gender, age and education). Maximum margin of fluctuation approx. +/- 4,3 percent. Difference to 100 percent due to rounded values.